Kylee Jovag

Project Lead II

Kylee Jovag
Kylee Jovag

I love the comradery and friendliness of everyone working towards the same goals as a team. I have felt very welcome and included since my first day.


I say I am from Puyallup, Washington, as I spent a lot of my childhood years there and graduated from high school in Washington after a couple of years in Tennessee. My dad was in the military, so I did get to experience a few different cultures within the US.

What Inspires Me:

I am inspired by the passionate people I meet who are authentically themselves and motivated to make their dreams come true for themselves - - - in whatever form that takes for them.

Guiltiest Food Pleasure:

I enjoy most food and this is a constantly changing pleasure for me, but my go-to is always raw cookie dough. Let's be honest, it is always better than the cookies themselves, and I still haven’t (knock on wood) had food poisoning!

Areas of Specialization:

I am the go-to person here at CuliNEX. I will fill the gaps for the team and support developers, project managers, and business development to make sure projects and materials run smoothly. My expertise is in communication and organization - two highly demanded skills for a growing company like CuliNEX.

When I'm Not in the Office:

I love to be outside in just about any sense. I am up for nearly any suggestion or invitation for outdoor adventure (especially when the sun is out) but I particularly love hiking and backpacking, as well as being in or on the water. I also love traveling, experiencing local foods, and learning about new cultures and places. When I am not outside or travelling, I am probably hosting a meal for my friends or family.


  • Bachelor of Arts, Business Management and Entrepreneurship - Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
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