CuliNex Speaking at the 2016 Clean Label Conference

Clean Label Conference
CuliNex is proud to be leading one of the general sessions at this year’s 3rd annual Clean Label Conference in Itasca, Illinois. Webb Girard, Culinologist, will be speaking on the challenging topic of formulating clean label processed meat.

Emily Munday
An Industry Insight into Replacing Nitrites and Phosphates in Processed Meats
Consumers’ continued demand for safer, healthier meat products drives cured meat manufacturers to step up their game. This presentation will discuss the curing process, the science behind it, and the basics of how to create great tasting sausages, bacon and ham. The replacement of nitrites and phosphates with “natural” ingredients that preserve flavor, color, and texture will be explored. Key external manufacturing plant factors will be touched on. You’ll also see (and taste) samples of conventional and clean label bacon, beef jerky, and fully cooked deli sausage, while we demystify the terminology, methodology and theory behind “uncured” meat products.

Emily Munday
About the Clean Label Conference
The annual conference is a summit for food R&D professionals and food application scientists providing technical, practical formulation advice. It’s being held Tuesday, March 29, 2016 - Wednesday, March 30, 2016, and includes general sessions, breakout sessions, and plenty of networking time.

Emily Munday
About Webb Girard
Webb is a veteran project manager focused on projects requiring technical expertise in product or process improvement, process standardization, plant scale-up, and shelf life determination and extension. His experience ranges from dried meat snacks to fresh sausage, fresh pasta (including cut and filled), fresh entrees, pesto, sauces, dips, salsas, spreads, hard candy, and crackers, most with clean label parameters in mind.
His background as a food scientist enables him to apply a deep understanding of food chemistry, engineering and formulation with his passion for great food. Webb has lead cross-functional teams that included Product Development, Marketing, Operations, Engineering, and Sales.
Webb spent over a dozen years holding product development positions as Culinologist at Madrona Specialty Foods and Monterey Gourmet Foods, and as an Innovation Scientist, Oberto Sausage Company.
Webb has a BS in Food Science from the University of Idaho and a MS in Food Science from the University of Maryland. He is a professional member of the Institute of Food Technologists and a member of the Research Chefs Association.
Will you be there? Send us a note, we’d love to connect with you at the conference!